"Your kennel-free doggy daycare."

Puptown Funk LLC is a kennel free doggy daycare that is nestled on 3 acres of beautifully wooded land in Chelsea Maine.  It is the dream of Tyler Large who, after over a decade spent working for others, decided in May of 2022 to open his own business. He did this with a clear vision of what he wanted to do, and a list of things he would never do.  To prepare for the daycare he expanded his dogs' outdoor play area and adjusted the living space in his tiny home. With an announcement on Facebook dogs began coming into his home, hanging out on his couch and sleeping on his bed. A year and a half later Puptown Funk had 4 dog handlers, a fully dedicated indoor facility, a welcome building, 5 outdoor play areas and an amazing group of dogs that he and all of his handlers, loved as if they were their own. Puptown Funk had expanded to offer boarding, funk walks, private dog training and pick up/drop off services.  Then at the two year anniversary mark (May of 2024) Puptown had added two more outdoor areas, including a space just for small breed dogs and small puppies, began offering basic dog grooming (nails, ears and teeth) and added our 5th (and final) dog handler.  Finally, on July 8 we opened our 2500 square foot, outdoor training and agility area! 

Our added areas are all done with a lot of sweat and hard work, as are the play structures in the pens. The only exception is the play area fencing, which was hired out professionally. With an eye on the future we plan to build a new indoor facility by 2027 and then renovating our current buildings for more specialized daily use. We also plan on getting a dog mobile for ​transportation. 

The driving goal behind every decision we make is what is best for the dogs. We work hard every day to earn the trust of dog owners all around so that their beloved pets can grow, learn and play at Puptown Funk. 

Welcome to Puptown Funk, LLC!

We are a kennel-free doggy daycare with two buildings (the facility is on the left, welcome building is on the right) and seven outdoor play spaces.  The seven play areas include three big spaces, a medium and three smaller. There is a pathway that connects all areas and the 2 buildings. The bigger play spaces have a puppy pen (usually between 6 months and a year) and the medium space is for smaller breed dogs and puppies under 6 months. The three smaller areas are break out pens for dogs that need a break from all of the excitement in the bigger areas.  


Our indoor play areas are climate controlled so your dogs will be kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer.  (We also have dog jackets for the rain or cold.) 

Our Team!  (More on each member on the Team Page)

Our outside play areas are the centerpiece of Puptown, they are what lets dogs be dogs!   Our pups spend most of their day running and playing to their hearts content. With 7 spaces we can easily group our dogs so each one is safe, comfortable and happy in their day.  Each area has different play structures. Most of these structures are made out of pallets, and all are built and designed by Tyler.

This first photo is Play Area #1.  It is the first of our three big areas. (There is a map of how the areas all fit together at the end). Play Areas 1 & 2 are for the bigger dogs - bigger in size and/or personality.  You can see how our play yards are truly the outdoors and our dogs love it! 

This next photo is Play Area #2. (It shares a wall with Play Area #1  and Play Area #3). You can see black tarp on the walls. These tarps prevent fence fighting and are on all of our fencing, except for outside walls.  We have since added plywood along the walls, over the tarp, to prevent the dogs from seeing the shadows of dogs on the other side. This way our dogs are now more interested in the group they are with than the dogs on the other side.  

Pictured here is the pathway that connects all play areas and the two buildings.  This pathway allows for the smooth and safe transfer of dogs from one area to another. You can see Play Area #1 on the left (with Play Area #2 in the background) and Play Area #4 on and Play Area #5 on the right. 

Here is a sketch of our layout.  We have grown and adjusted since this drawing was done - and it will be replaced soon.  Both Play Areas 1 & 2 are for dogs big in size and personality.  Play Area 5 is our 'Puppy Pen' and Play Areas 3 & 4 are for dogs that are only comfortable with a few other dogs, or need a break from the crowd.  In addition the buiding marked Boarding is now the Welcome Building.   The black rectangles are gates or doors.  (When the dogs in Area 1 or 2 go in the facility for some down time the puppies get to play in the big spaces.)  We will also have photos of the other areas up soon. 


We are a kennel-free doggy daycare. We believe that dogs need to be free all day to run, play or nap as they choose. This freedom creates an environment that reduces anxiety and produces happy pups! This is especially true if your dog has this freedom at home.  We believe if you wanted your dog in a crate you wouldn't need to bring them to us. We want each dog that spends their day at Puptown Funk to get the exercise they need and to maximize their play time with their furry friends!

That said, dogs do tend to follow a natural schedule in their day.  In general, from 7:00 to 9:00 the dogs join their friends in the different areas.  There is a lot of excitement as they each arrive and get to be together again.  While this is happening the dog handlers are placing them in groups and play areas that are best suited to them.  At 9 the day begins and is filled with plenty of time for free play, guided activities and rest.  Each dog group has their rest break in the facility - once before lunch and once after. Other activities include lunch for those that want it (two to three at a time in the facility), Funk Walks and dog training.  Funk Walks and training have additional fees attached. (There is more information in that section of the web site).

With great excitment

on July 8, 2024 Puptown Funk, LLC opened its 2500 square foot Outdoor Training and Agility Area! All interested dogs will get time on a rotating basis. Dogs can be signed up for a private lesson during drop off. These private lessons are $12 each.

Weave Poles

Tire Jump


Hurdle Jump

Agility Dog Walk

See Saw

Dog training sessions are now 8 weeks long and include time in the agility center.  The next session begins October 1st.  They are open to dogs that attend the daycare at least two days a week. 

This is the general idea of your dogs day at Puptown.  That said flexibility and adjustments are a necessity when loving, playing with and caring for dogs!  

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We also make an activity plan for each week and often post it on Facebook. When we can, we will repeat an idea for individual dogs that weren't here on a certain day.   Here is one of our weekly plans.

If you would like to know more, please schedule your personal Meet & Greet through the contact page. We will send you the necessary paperwork to fill out and bring with you.  Prior to that you will need to send us a copy of up-to-date vaccinations for Rabies, Distemper and Kennel Cough. All dogs that come on our campus have to have those vaccinations current.  Meet & Greets will last about 15 minutes. Once completed we will share everything we have learned with you. If your dog passes they are welcome to stay for the day for our daily rate of $30. 

For safety reasons, the only people allowed in the facility are those that work here. This is because dogs get really excited when they see strangers. These emotions can easily create negative interactions between the dogs, which is something we continually work to avoid. 

Hours of Operation

Puptown Funk is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 5:30. We are available by phone, (207) 441-1226, text or email and will do our best to respond right away.

Pick Up and Drop off

Pick up and drop off routes are available within 20 miles of the facility. Cost is between $10 to $22 one way for the first dog $5 for the second, depending on miles from the facility.

Boarding with Daycare

At Puptown Funk dogs that board are treated as one of the family. It is kennel free unless parents bring their own. The fee is $55 per dog Monday to Thursday nights, and $65 Friday through Sunday plus Holidays. Contact us for more details.

Fees at a Glance

Day Care: $30 a day Day Care 5 days a week: $27 a day Training: $30 for 2 sessions a week Agility Training: $12 per lesson Boarding w/daycare: $55 ($65 on weekends) Pick Up/Drop off: $10 to $22 one way Dog Walks: $8

Birthday Parties and Daily Activities

We love celebrating your dogs special day! They’ll have a party hat, fun photos and a their own special treat! We also have Bobbing For Apples, Football and other games and group challenges to keep everyone entertained!

Report Cards

Wonder how your pup is doing in their day? We often send them home with a report card so they can share their day with you!

Funk Walks!

When staffing permits, we will take a group of up to 5 matched dogs on a 30 to 45 minute walk through paths and fields. They will never be near a road and will always be on leash. Upon return all dogs will have a tick check before they return to the play areas. These walks cost $8 each.

Dog Training

You can get your dog trained while at Puptown with two, 20 minute one-on-one lessons a week with Tyler or Jesse. Sessions run for 8 weeks, will include time in the agility area & cost $30 per week. We run the classes every two months - our next ession starts 10/14/24, followed by a session starting 12/17.

Agility Training

Our agility area is a highlight of the day for many dogs!! All interested rotate through in groups of 3 or 4 on about a 2 week basis at no charge. Parents that want to schedule their dog for a private lesson can sign up on that day - $12 for a 25 minute lesson.

Tyler Large

Owner/Dog Handler/Dog Trainer

Tyler has always loved dogs. He has never been without one, and often many more than one. He began working for doggy daycares in 2010. In May of 2022 he decided it was time to open his own center. Puptown Funk is his life's passion, and opening his own business his life's goal. He cares and loves every dog at Puptown Funk as if they were his own, and while he doesn't agree, many people have called him the dog whisperer.

Deb Large

Business Manager

Deb is a retired educator with 40 years of experience helping her husband run his business. With a life long love for math (and dogs) she was happy to join the team as the Business Manager for Puptown Funk.

Hailey Swan

Dog Handler

Hailey joined the Puptown Funk team the end of June, 2023, and it's been a joy to have her. Her life time love and care for dogs makes her a perfect match, as does her determination and quick action. She is skilled at quickly knowing the needs and unique qualities of each dog.

Mel Bills

Dog Handler

Mel is a 2013 Graduate of USM, and comes to us with a life long love of dogs. That love lead to a natural desire to learn as much as she could about dog breeds and behaviors before (after 3 years of study) finally getting dogs of her own. She is a joyful person and a hard worker.

Jesse Wales

Dog Handler, Trainer& Pet Photographer

Jesse is a certified dog trainer and pet photographer. He has many years of experience in dog handling, working both in and out of Maine. His calm demeanor and willingness to jump in at any time for whatever is needed to be done is truly wonderful. Jesse is a great team player with a constant and attentive eye on each of the dogs in his care.


Dog Handler

Molly comes to Puptown with 20+ years of experience with dogs; dog sitting, basic obedience, walking and dropping in for visits. She is passionate about caring for and understanding dogs and how they communicate with the world around them. She sees each dog as the individual that they are and instinctively works to get to know them.

  • 324 Togus Road, Chelsea, Maine, United States
  • The only kennel free doggy daycare in Central Maine.

Do you offer daycare on weekends? We do with dogs we are boarding but for daycare itself we are only open Monday to Friday.  

Can we schedule a Meet & Greet on the weekend? If that is the only time we can make it work but it wouldn't be as effective as during the week because the only dogs on site will be our dogs.

I was interested in my dog coming to Puptown Funk, what do you need from me?  First send an email to us at puptownfunk1@gmail.com or fill out the form on this site. We will then schedule a Meet & Greet (see information on this site) to which you will need to bring the paperwork.  You will also need to provide vaccination records that show your pup is up to date with Rabies, Parvo and Kennel Cough.  

Why do I need to fill out the forms prior to the Meet & Greet when I have not yet made a final decision on Puptown Funk? This is because during the Meet & Greet your dog interacts with dogs we have here.  This keeps all dogs healthy and safe.

My dog’s Meet & Greet is today, can they stay if they are good? Of course, in fact it is recommended.  Once a new dog is in one of the play yards and having fun it is best for them to enjoy the day with their new friends.  It will be at the regular daycare cost of $30.

Do I bring bedding and bowls for my dog’s overnight stay?  You do not need to bring a bowl, but you can choose to bring a blanket from home.  We do have plenty of blankets here. 

Are the dogs ever alone during daycare? The dogs in daycare are never alone except for sporadic moments when a handler has to step out.  If that happens another handler is aware and attentive. 

Do you take dogs with behavioral problems?  We give every dog the opportunity for success and have enough play areas to do so. There are dogs that socialize wonderfully with everyone, and those that need to be in smaller groups - much like people.

Do you have breed restrictions? All breeds are welcome, it's behaviors that we look out for.

What cleaning supplies do you use?  We use Pro-Vet Logic, a 100% pet friendly cleaner designed for Vets and Daycares. We continually clean our floors and walls as needed and fully steam clean the floors twice daily and the walls twice weekly.  

My dog is pretty shy, is that okay? Of course! Here at Puptown Funk, we take the time to sit with each dog and help them become a comfortable and valuable member of our pack! We do our best to work with each dog on socialization skills and accept their level of comfort. We have found that dogs who come in as observers can turn to leaders, even the little ones! 

What holidays do you close? The daycare is closed on Memorial Day, Juneteenth, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, New Years Eve Day and New Years Day.  Our boarding facility never closes. 

How are dogs separated? We separate our furry friends most significantly on temperament, social readiness and energy level.  We also have a separate area for our puppies that quite often will have an older pup with them.  These decisions are based on the safest environment for all of our guests.  Social groupings often change in the day, either pre-planned or situational. 

What happens if a fight breaks out? Fights are extremely rare. Our handlers know what to look for to prevent fights, and how to calmly use certain restraints in order to stop a conflict. For extreme circumstances, we may use a 'water surprise' that stops them in their tracks. Once everything is back to normal we do a thorough dog check and inform all dog parents involved. We don’t want any surprises to greet you at pick up!     

Getting ready!

Ready ....



Of course there's cake.

The happy crew!